Are You a Student? We have space for you!

TechLabs Berlin
3 min readMay 31, 2021

Melina is a student studying in the areas of business and languages. She heard about TechLabs from two friends. They told her about their fun experiences at TechLabs Hamburg and Dortmund. Before she knew it, she contacted the Berlin campus and became a volunteer.

The Social Media Manager

When she joined, she became the Manager of Social Media. Melina fancies handling anything linked to Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn. She explained, “I develop and design posts, schedule them and in the application phase, I also do social media advertising”. As the volunteer behind social media content creation, she has power over shaping the social media image of TechLabs Berlin. On top of her role, she enjoys being a volunteer because it’s fun to support a special place and be involved with supportive members.

Our Meetings are More Fun than Your Day Gig

-Did you know? We offer the opportunity to volunteer remotely.

Melina retold a story about a memory. She declared with excitement, “I really love our bi-weekly fireside chats! I try to be there as often as I can. It is always fun”. The biweekly fireside chats are meetings for management to meet and talk about current events. She laughed and explained more on the memories, “I guess my favourite memory was when we brainstormed on the TechLabs rebranding and a member said the pink was burning their eyes”. How many organisations do you know allow the opportunity to be this open? At TechLabs, we want to share our fun vibe. Melina said chuckling, “In fact, in our new branding the pink is slightly less bright”. Hopefully, the member with the eye-burning issue likes the new pink colour. If you want to use your voice to discuss different manners openly, consider us.

We are More Special than an Unicorn in a Field of Four-Leaf Clovers

-Did you know? Only volunteers, who share the same drive and motivation, operate TechLabs.

The existence of this organisation still astonishes Melina. She said, with excitement, “For me, it is still unbelievable, this community is constantly growing all around the globe and only volunteers work here”. The volunteers help because they enjoy helping TechLabs and building a world full of digital shapers. All members follow the point of view of making IT more diverse and equal. Melina finished by saying, “And with that same vision, we can make this possible. It is special to be a part of this NGO”. We are special because our volunteers come together for a common goal, combine their skills, solve hard problems efficiently and uphold their commitment to building a world full of digital shapers. In the end, TechLabs is rarer than a unicorn in a field of four-leaf clovers.

Melina’s Reasons on Why You Need to Join Us and Volunteer

Do you want to have fun, involve yourself with something special and be acknowledged? Maybe you should think about us. Melina expressed how she felt about the organisation. As she said, with glee, “TechLabs is like a family and we appreciate any help given towards our cause. TechLabs is a fun community with no boundaries and members should certainly bring in their ideas! We consider no idea too big or small, whatever volunteers can contribute is valued”. At TechLabs, new members enter as beginners and forever become part of a network of digital shapers. Here’s an idea! Why don’t you attend one of our fireside chats? You can be the judge. Look forward to meeting you! Later!

Written by Chelsea Wunneburger for TechLabs Berlin



TechLabs Berlin

We provide free coding bootcamps in Data Science, AI, WebDev & UX. We dream of a world full of digital shapers.