What the code is TechLabs Berlin?

TechLabs Berlin
3 min readAug 10, 2021

It’s a journey, it’s a mission, it’s a coding school. But let’s start from the beginning.

We at TechLabs Berlin provide free coding bootcamps — we call it Digital Shaper program — in Data Science, AI, WebDev & UX. For everyone in Berlin, regardless of their background.

We dream of a world full of digital shapers. So why not be one yourself?

Who is TechLabs Berlin for?

It’s for everyone trying to get into tech and interested in UX, WebDev, Data Science or AI.

Your academic or professional background doesn’t matter. We will personalize your learning experience according to your interests, what you already know and where you want to go.

All it takes is some motivation to dig into the courses, dedication to take part in your group project and time to devote to the course. But it is totally feasible doing it alongside a full-time job.

We are convinced that everyone should get the opportunity to shape our digital future. And we are working towards this goal, with a passion for digital education, empowerment, changing the status quo.

Is the coding bootcamp of TechLabs Berlin really free?

Yes! When we say it is for everyone, we mean it. We don’t want any money issues holding people back. There will be fees for online courses which we will refund to you. More information about the refunding process will be provided once the semester starts.

What do I need to apply?

We want to get to know you — so take some time to answer all the questions in our application form. There will be no right or wrong answers though.

What can I expect from the Digital Shaper program?

The semester is 6 months long and takes approximately 5 hours per week to complete. At the end of it you will receive our Digital Shaper certificate. During the semester you will go through a study phase consisting of online courses and mentoring sessions, followed by a project phase where you will work on a real project within groups — also accompanied by skilled mentors. Putting your skills into practice is invaluable when learning to code — and you will have a first project to showcase!

Who is behind all this?

TechLabs was founded in Münster and now has numerous local branches all over the world. The people running the show? Our amazing volunteers working in their free time in order to make our dream of a world full of digital shapers come true.

There is the journey team, responsible for our four tracks, the partnership team, marketing, HR, IT administration… And some of our students (we call them “Techies”) decide to give back after completing their program and become volunteers as well. Not obligatory, of course!

What makes our volunteer work so special is the spirit we all share, the knowledge we exchange between the locations, the best practices, the community. We want everyone to feel ownership for their tasks, their team, their mission. This is the place where if you have an idea for something — you just go for it. And that is what inspires us.

What do I need to volunteer?

If you decide to volunteer with us, you’re in for a great team of like-minded people, freedom to shape digital education and a huge learning experience!

Some first experience in the field you’d like to volunteer in is an advantage — but more importantly you should be motivated to give some hours of your time to our project.

Just hit us up and let’s talk!

Where can I get more information?

Have a look at our TechLabs Berlin page.

Or follow us on



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TechLabs Berlin

We provide free coding bootcamps in Data Science, AI, WebDev & UX. We dream of a world full of digital shapers.